All the generator will reduce lot of heat in working.Today let us learning in what environment can the China diesel generator working smoothly.
The cooling and ventilation design is very important for the China diesel generator.Only to ensure room enough air flow,timely take away heat radiation generator to meet the unit normal working condition.Without good cooling and
ventilation,will enable the power wreck, and make the unit high temperature shutdown,thus affecting the unit.The noise of the turbine is divided into three parts,the exhaust noise,mechanical noise and the unit vibration and noise,for the third part of the noise,environmental noise control.The China diesel generator must be in sound engineering design and construction according to specific circumstances of the room.Security unit in order to work properly.In the design of generator silencers engineering,we must pay attention to following several aspects:1.air inlet system:each diesel generator need plenty of fresh air,so the room with adequate ventilation.2,exhaust system:diesel generator,generator a lot of heat,in order to make the generator can work normally,the room temperature shall not exceed 50 degrees Celsius,and for diesel generator optimal conditions,the room temperature should be lower than 37.8 degrees Celsius,the pumping parting of heat out of the room.3,safety system shall be set up,the room know fuel box,do not store flammable items,to configure the fire fighting equipment.Generator insulation engineering to content noise:in the incident acoustic wave to porous materials,can arouse the holes or fiber air movement,close to the hole wall or on the surface of the fibre air, due to the influence of hole wall, resulting in viscous effect, friction the sound energy into heat energy to the acoustic wave and porous material, so as to obtain the attenuation.