
Ignore the diesel generator smoking may give you a big trouble

Diesel generator smoking problem is more than one, the machine failure may emit blue smoke, black smoke and white smoke. Most people may think this is small problem, if you ignore these problems, might give you cause unnecessary trouble.
1.The cause of the diesel generator smoke by the following:
(1) bad under-inflated or air leakage in the air cylinder compression, overload operation;
(2) the operation of the fuel supply system such as drip, low pressure, spray injector, fuel pump oil, fuel delivery time early
Too late, oil supply CAM wear.
(3) combustor burning loss, loss of normal function, cause the fuel and air mixture. 
2.Blue smoke coming in the diesel engine fault should be inspected as follows: 
(1) inspecting the oil level of oil pan is too much.
(2) check the condition of cylinder liner, piston and piston ring.
(3) the valve and duct clearance is too large, the oil is inhaled into the combustion chamber, combustion should replace worn valve and valve guide.
(4) check whether the air filter is blocked.
3.Diesel engine exhaust white smoke fault check:
To the point that in the winter cold start, the exhaust pipe to take a lot of white smoke, but after a period of time running white smoke disappear gradually, it is normal phenomenon.
(1) the engine temperature is too low.
(2) the water in oil supply system.
(3) the injection time is too late.
(4) nozzle atomization.
(5) cylinder pressure is too low.
Maybe my introduction is not very comprehensive, also is not very professional. You can visit our website online customer service you want to ask questions. 

