
Familiar with the purpose of the emergency diesel generator

Everyone knows the emergency diesel generator is in the grid was launched only stops, familiar with the purpose of the emergency diesel generator and reduce the happening of the accident, keep the normal operation of all things.The so-called emergency diesel generator set even after normal electricity blackout for emergency power supply of diesel generator set, main power supply to the civilian and electricity load.
First of all, one of the emergency diesel generator set use, emergency network equipment and computer equipment: some of the data of computer and network equipment needs continue to power supply in order to adhere to the normal work, such as gas stations, supermarkets, etc. After the emergency diesel generator set to the mains power have insisted that the effect of normal operations. 
Second, the second use of the emergency diesel generator set, emergency lighting, such as emergency lighting, dispersed the exit sign lighting lighting, aviation obstacle and guide, and so on. Emergency diesel generator set to the emergency lighting equipment, can stick to adhere to the work, in the process of mains power failure to prevent due to the lighting power of personnel and property loss.
Finally, three emergency diesel generator set, the emergency fire fighting equipment, once the crisis occurs, emergency diesel generator set to guarantee the normal operation of the fire channel, such as fire elevator, escape knowledge lights, fire hydrant pump and exhaust fan, doors, fire alarm system and so on, the emergency diesel generator set is the guarantee of fire channel is necessity. Mains supply and emergency diesel generator set and need to have mechanical interlocking between,to ensure that the emergency diesel generator in power won't come to mains network after a mains power outage.For it is necessary to continue to supply the electricity equipment,emergency diesel generating sets can enter a state of emergency start,and then to prevent suddenly loses power bring some problems.

