
To learn the correct way of use diesel oil in electric generator

Rational use of diesel oil in electric generator.For example,Steyr WD615 series electric generator used in naturally aspirated,turbocharged and water cooled supercharger types,for now more common to use the supercharged diesel engine,due to the large load,it should use clean dispersion,oxidation security,slow corrosion and abrasion better oil,but some user using ordinary oil to save money,resulting in crankshaft scrapped,not only increasing the transportation costs,but also reduce the traffic.
1.add oil in time.When oil leakage or excessive consumption should be repaired after diesel fuel.
2.change the oil on time.This is a necessary condition to ensure the lubrication system working properly,if long-term not replace oil,oil deteriorate,and mixed with a variety of impurities in the oil,water and dust,lubrication deterioration,failure will increase.
3.Do not mix old and new oil.Few machine hand in order to reduce operating costs and retain a portion of waste oil when changing the oil,plus half or more than half of new oil mix.As everyone knows,this approach is worth the candle.Because the deterioration of the oil contains large amounts of oxidizing substances,colloid carbon particles and iron,etc.,will greatly shorten the life of the new oil,increased speed of moving parts to wear,but also easily lead of bush-burning axle.
4.To prevent mix different oil.Accommodating different grades of oil containers should be clearly marked,respectively,using.Should not mix different grades of oil in the oil filler is used on locomotives.
5.To prevent oil pollution.cleaning device should be sealed to prevent contamination .When you add the oil,should pay attention to refuel tools clean.Pressure to use or over cover long beak add fuel barrels,specifically dedicated barrel, covered with a lid will and mouth blocking tight drums. Dipstick, oil filler at the application of gauze wrap. In addition, when you add the oil can be used fine copper mesh filter.


The correct use of button to protect diesel generators.

Many of users don't know how to use the button on the diesel generator correctly.Now diesel generator supplier -----huaquan power will explain it.
Sometimes some customer encountered generating units last normal start,phenomenon but the second restart won't be able to start,and check after found sufficient battery power,other indicators are normal,that is to say you know why?Huaquan technician to seriously understand and found that the original customer at the last stop,emergency stop button as normal shutdown button to use the obvious next use diesel generator sets must not start up.In fact,when the normal power generation units to stop,should nor press the emergency stop button,but should press the control panel on the stop button is considered normal shutdown.So,what role does the emergency stop button on the generator set?The emergency stop button of the diesel generator set is in the case of the generator set,or when the power load is in the condition of a sudden,the power generation unit is unable to press the button when it is not normal.And when the machine down,but also should be reset,should not be long-term press,if long-term press,the second power generating units to start,certainly can not start.So say,i believe everyone on the emergency stop button and stop button can have clear understanding of it,here to remind the majority of user during the outages of generating units step by step normal shutdown, can not be blindly press the emergency stop button.


In what environment can the china diesel generator work smoothly

All the generator will reduce lot of heat in working.Today let us learning in what environment can the China diesel generator working smoothly.
The cooling and ventilation design is very important for the China diesel generator.Only to ensure room enough air flow,timely take away heat radiation generator to meet the unit normal working condition.Without good cooling and 
ventilation,will enable the power wreck, and make the unit high temperature shutdown,thus affecting the unit.The noise of the turbine is divided into three parts,the exhaust noise,mechanical noise and the unit vibration and noise,for the third part of the noise,environmental noise control.The China diesel generator must be in sound engineering design and construction according to specific circumstances of the room.Security unit in order to work properly.In the design of generator silencers engineering,we must pay attention to following several aspects:1.air inlet system:each diesel generator need plenty of fresh air,so the room with adequate ventilation.2,exhaust system:diesel generator,generator a lot of heat,in order to make the generator can work normally,the room temperature shall not exceed 50 degrees Celsius,and for diesel generator optimal conditions,the room temperature should be lower than 37.8 degrees Celsius,the pumping parting of heat out of the room.3,safety system shall be set up,the room know fuel box,do not store flammable items,to configure the fire fighting equipment.Generator insulation engineering to content noise:in the incident acoustic wave to porous materials,can arouse the holes or fiber air movement,close to the hole wall or on the surface of the fibre air, due to the influence of hole wall, resulting in viscous effect, friction the sound energy into heat energy to the acoustic wave and porous material, so as to obtain the attenuation.


Diesel fuel filter - diesel generator of kidney

Diesel fuel filter of diesel generator of kidneys. Diesel fuel filter is used to remove the impurity in the diesel, prevent common rail system congestion, especially in the nozzle. Can effectively reduce wear and ensure the stable operation of engine, to improve the reliability of engine.  
Due to deposition of impurities in the fuel oil system, floating dust in the air, also can make diesel pollution, so the diesel filter is indispensable, and diesel oil before joining the fuel tank is not necessarily true of clean diesel oil, diesel oil filter structure and oil filters of the same, but its work under pressure and oil temperature resistant requirements are much lower than a oil filter, and the requirement of the filtration efficiency is higher than the air filter. 
Diesel filter filter using filter paper, and a felt or polymer materials. Mechanical impurity in the diesel filter diesel abroad rate, is another important function of the filter, in order to achieve high separation efficiency, the more adopts two levels of filtering method, level 1 for oil-water separator, level of diesel fuel fine filter. The presence of water very big to the harm of diesel generators, corrosion, wear and tear, stuck even worsen diesel combustion process. 

Familiar with the purpose of the emergency diesel generator

Everyone knows the emergency diesel generator is in the grid was launched only stops, familiar with the purpose of the emergency diesel generator and reduce the happening of the accident, keep the normal operation of all things.The so-called emergency diesel generator set even after normal electricity blackout for emergency power supply of diesel generator set, main power supply to the civilian and electricity load.
First of all, one of the emergency diesel generator set use, emergency network equipment and computer equipment: some of the data of computer and network equipment needs continue to power supply in order to adhere to the normal work, such as gas stations, supermarkets, etc. After the emergency diesel generator set to the mains power have insisted that the effect of normal operations. 
Second, the second use of the emergency diesel generator set, emergency lighting, such as emergency lighting, dispersed the exit sign lighting lighting, aviation obstacle and guide, and so on. Emergency diesel generator set to the emergency lighting equipment, can stick to adhere to the work, in the process of mains power failure to prevent due to the lighting power of personnel and property loss.
Finally, three emergency diesel generator set, the emergency fire fighting equipment, once the crisis occurs, emergency diesel generator set to guarantee the normal operation of the fire channel, such as fire elevator, escape knowledge lights, fire hydrant pump and exhaust fan, doors, fire alarm system and so on, the emergency diesel generator set is the guarantee of fire channel is necessity. Mains supply and emergency diesel generator set and need to have mechanical interlocking between,to ensure that the emergency diesel generator in power won't come to mains network after a mains power outage.For it is necessary to continue to supply the electricity equipment,emergency diesel generating sets can enter a state of emergency start,and then to prevent suddenly loses power bring some problems.


Diesel generator set is very popular in developing countries

Diesel generator for poor areas of China to bring light to electricity makes us feel very happy. We as the manufacturer of diesel generators, at the same time, very hope can give each of the parts of the world are able to provide power support.Some of the more backward developing countries, due to various reasons, cannot normal use mains, maybe some parts of the world have no electricity, now we are in the grid will have a feeling that when the power is everything becomes chaos, our power failure is only temporary, and poor areas may not understand the power of convenience. Our company production and sales of diesel generators are very suitable for poor areas using high quality low fault easy operation of the diesel generator. 


Diesel generator set for the future development trend .

A.Diesel generator is an excellent power means, although there are all kinds of alternative energy, but it is still is the choice of the end user, and 2020 years ago is not expected to have any significant market decline.The main reason is as follows:
1. New infrastructure to increase the demand for mobile power supply and backup power supply.
2. Of the world's population growth and the growth of the urbanization process of standby power requirements.
3. The national communication, electric power, transportation, resource development, the department of defense, such as the key of standby power supply and mobile power supply configuration and the continuous upgrading of demand.
4. Developing the national grid penetration is still low, and the power demand is growing continuously, so the diesel generating set as a standby power supply and replace the power supply has a huge market demand. 
B.Emerging economies benefits to regional transfer will be the largest in the future market growth.
1.Traditional market.
Traditional market is mainly refers to Europe and North America area. Europe and the United States is the world's largest diesel generator set market. The European region and north American sales accounted for the proportion of the global market. The main driver of the market from the vigorous development of the IT technology, telecommunications, and part of the European Union aid money. 
Future demand mainly from these aspects, first of all, the rapid development of IT industry, lead to demand for diesel generating sets have a huge data center. Second, the market benefit from the unstable power grid, to ensure the reliability of the power grid has become the government's priority. In the end, still need to be the main driving force of the commercial and industrial development, new commercial building, office building, hospital and industrial institutions need to standby power, at the same time also can produce electricity needs in the process of construction. The traditional European and American market demand remain basically stable, the new market is not much.
2.Emerging markets.
Emerging markets including the Middle East and Africa, southeast Asia and Oceania, South America, etc. In the Middle East and Africa, mainly from infrastructure construction, oil exploration industry and the power supply the power facilities not perfect, the region has enormous economic potential. 
Southeast Asia these areas are often affected by the typhoon, hurricanes and other natural disasters, causing the destruction of the power grid, which speeds up the sales of generators.
South America is relatively small market, South American main diesel generator set market benefit from the growth of the local economy, because the government in the past decade of natural gas development and the new plant investment failure, unable to supply power to the economic growth, leading to increased demand in diesel generator set.
We are professional manufacturer of diesel generators, for the more thorough market analysis, to make a market, occupy a certain market.  

Learning method to recognize the price of diesel generators, buy diesel generator for you.

Customers to purchase the diesel generator is inevitably to talk about a topic is price, customers want seller to reduce the price to the customer in the mind to accept that a price, but the price of not to calculate by salesman, because there are many factors contributing to the discretion of the price of diesel generators. The purpose of you buy diesel generator is used for power generation, each user is hope that the quality of the diesel generator is good, but in the process of buy diesel generators, users consider the most factors in addition to product performance, and the price of diesel generators. For outsiders, and they were afraid to fool merchants and deception. To learn the following points, buy suits own diesel generators.
1. We need to understand the diesel generating set is made up of what parts? There are mainly two parts of the diesel engine and generator, the price of the generator can also because the two parts of the brand and differences between the different configuration. When we see the brand of diesel generator, the same power under the condition of the same, to pay attention to the different generator, choose a different generator is the whole performance of the diesel generator set is different, so the user when choosing diesel generating set must be cautious, can according to their own requirements to diesel generator set consulting, sales staff to choose matching generators.
The price is quite different of different brand, Volvo engine price is highest, the price is the general domestic generator set for several times. Domestic quality and performance better with cummins, quality of yuchai, cheap reactive diesel engine. The country's best generator, Stanford, marathon, the price is very high, economy practical engga generator. Now generator technology more mature, the main performance are close, but some businesses in the pursuit of high profits and competitiveness, and use less known and inferior brand generator shoddy better. The user should pay attention to when buying.
2. The price of diesel generator set and manufacturing materials also have a direct relationship, raw materials such as steel and copper as the market rises, the price of diesel generator has been rising, especially in the summer, the mains supply, the country has emerged the phenomenon of electricity, which makes the price of diesel generator set and litres.
3. Users need to understand that there are a lot of diesel generating set of parts, assembly line process is complex, so the production cost is higher, the user in time and to identify the price into consideration.
4. Users in certain commonly used when you need to buy diesel generator power and standby power, the price of diesel generating sets and power also has the very big relations, many sellers charge to small to big, so pay special attention to when buying diesel generators.
Through the understanding of the above four points, I believe the user when the choose and buy diesel generating sets, on the trend of prices have a basic understanding of understanding, here I stand on the position of the generating set manufacturer remind all buyers, diesel generating sets of choose and buy must consider performance, find a suitable for use diesel generator set.  


Let the diesel generator set installation and connection problems easily solved .

Most of the customers can't install diesel generators, it is a common problem, because install diesel generator also need professional knowledge. Diesel generator set before use, should carry on the installation and connection, diesel generator set installation, attention should be paid to the following:
1.Installation site need to be well ventilated,generator side should have enough inlet,diesel generator side should have a good outlet,outlet area should be greater than the tank area of more than 1.5 times.
2.Install the surrounding should be kept clean,avoid nearby place can produce acid,alkali and other corrosive gas and steam,conditional should configure extinguishing equipment.
3.If used indoors,exhaust pips must be to outdoor,pipe diameter must be greater than equal to the diameter of the pipe,should not be taken over by bend of the road more than 3,to ensure smooth smoke exhaust pipe and down 5-10 degrees,avoid rain water injection;If the exhaust pipe is vertical installation,it must be equipped with cover.
4.When using the concrete foundation,must use the levelness level test when installation,make fixed in level on the basic of the unit.Between units and base should have special cushion or use the foot bolt.
5.Shell must be reliable grounding protection and the need to have a neutral point grounding of the generator directly,is a professional must to carry on the forbidden to use mains grounding device of neutral point grounding directly.
6.Generators and the utility two-way switch must be very reliable,to prevent transmission.Two-way switch wiring reliability need to be approved by the local.
7.Start the battery connection must be strong.
These advantages of professional knowledge, need to slowly to understand you, hope to release the information to help you, I am also very willing to answer more questions for you.



Introduction to diesel generator set oil filter method.

Sometimes we buy oil for diesel generator set is not "clean", continue to use, if not eliminate impurities is likely to cause the fuel system parts wear and tear, so at this point, purifies the diesel should follow the following three steps:
1. The diesel oil deposit in advance. After 96 hours of precipitation commonly, can remove the 0.005 mm particles. Precipitation, the longer the cannot be cleaner to remove the tiny impurity removal effect more apparent.
2. After precipitation of diesel in the use of avoid by all means don't shake. Sucker drawer or hose can't be inserted to the bottom of the barrel, directly from the bottom left at least 80-100 mm distance. Can't use the method of tilt cans to pour the oil gas. As for the barrel below 80-100 mm diesel, they can be together, after precipitation reoccupy after filtering.
3.3. During fuel filter. Refueling must filter, it is to prevent the mechanical impurities into the last barrier of diesel engine, the gas by the drawer or gravity method, it is best to muslin or other filter filtration materials.
As a professional manufacturer of diesel generator set, we provide you with and solve some of diesel generating sets breakdown maintenance and maintenance knowledge of diesel engine. Hope I provide information can help to you, so we would be very happy. 


Equipped with emergency diesel generating set is a reliable method in lifting power interruption

Many consumer think the power supply is a steady stream of, will not suddenly disappear, but is not the case in reality. National power, also because of natural disasters, the resources causes such as inadequate power brownouts or sudden power failure, so that it can cause a certain loss to our normal life, therefore, is equipped with emergency diesel generator power supply reliable way! 
Energy loss is destructive, some are sudden, so when this happens, a standby diesel generator set can eliminate these troubles for you, the generator can provide instantaneous can supply energy, is the best way to solve.  
Whether, tourism, construction, Marine, household, hospital, or even a small township, We can provide you with suitable diesel generator set, whether you need is a stationary diesel generating set, Marine diesel generator set. We can give you a delivery within days of diesel generator you need. 
When you decide to buy a generator, there are many need to identify the factors, including whether the equipment in the trailer need quiet Settings, need what kind of switch, where to install the generator is in need of a spare tank, you also need to know about diesel generator set and there are many, if you have not understand in this regard, you can contact us, we will cancel the trouble for you. 


Reduce the pollution of the diesel generator set

Combustion of diesel generator set if it is not enough is easy to cause air pollution, serious when still can endanger the personal safety of operators and today weifang huaquan power will teach you some tips by improving the fuel to reduce pollution. 
1. The water inlet pipe, air inlet pipe is the main purpose of water absorption of heat and dilute the density of the fuel. When a small amount of water into the combustion chamber and atomization, due to the effect of "micro explosion" of the water vapor to make oil droplets broken into smaller droplets, thus promoting the mixture formation and combustion. Due to the effect of heat of the water in the combustion process can make the maximum combustion temperature is reduced, the water mixed with oil injection can reduce the density of the fuel, is to further reduce the maximum combustion temperature, so the NOx emissions. It is important to note the winter storage tank need to freeze, and demand along with the load size automatically adjust the volume of water. 
2.Emulsified diesel oil, water blending in diesel, emulsified diesel oil, due to its "micro detonation" role, make its fuel atomization is good, and the combustion chamber of the air to form strong turbulence, fuel and air distribution more uniform, the generated reduce carbon smoke. Water vapor water gas reaction also reduce carbon smoke emission. In addition, emulsified diesel oil can decrease the maximum combustion temperature, thus NOx generation decreases.
The above two kinds of practice is to promote through the adjustment of fuel oil burning, burning full after natural emissions of harmful gas becomes less, to reduce environmental pollution, protect the safety of working environment is quite effective. 

Diesel generator set in the cylinder head

Cylinder head is one of the main components of the diesel generator, diesel generator set is mainly composed of diesel engine, synchronous generator, control panel, electrical control equipment and various accessories, its role is largely closed to the upper body, and with the pistons' parts such as cylinder combustion chamber space, as well as the installation of nozzle, intake valve and exhaust valve and rocker arm assembly parts, to ensure the supply high pressure atomized diesel combustion chamber and the inlet and exhaust process smoothly. Water-cooled diesel engine cylinder head is not within the cooling water and lubricating oil channels.
Cylinder head is installed on the top of the cylinder block, from the upper seal cylinder and combustion chamber. It often come in contact with high temperature and high pressure gas, so bear a lot of heat load and mechanical load. Water-cooled engine cylinder cover internal cooling jacket, cooling of the cooling hole of the bottom of cylinder head and cylinder hole. Use of circulating water to cool the combustion chamber high temperature parts, etc. The cylinder head is also equipped with inlet and exhaust valve seat, valve guide hole, used for installation of inlet and exhaust valves, and inlet channel and the exhaust pipe, etc. Gasoline engine has to install the spark plug hole on cylinder head processing, and processing with the installation of fuel injector holes on the diesel cylinder head. Overhead of concave wheel on engine cylinder cover have a concave wheel bearing hole processing, used to install the concave wheel axle. Cylinder head generally USES gray cast iron or alloy cast iron, cast aluminum alloy of good thermal conductivity, is helpful to improve the compression ratio. So aluminium alloy cylinder head in recent years have been used more and more. Cylinder head is part of the combustion chamber, the shape of combustion chamber had a great influence on the engine work, because of the gasoline engine and diesel engine combustion in a different way, the component part of the combustion chamber on cylinder head difference is bigger. Gasoline engine's combustion chamber, mainly on the cylinder head and combustion chamber of diesel engine in the piston at the top of the pit.
I hope this suggest can help you when the diesel generator have fault. I also hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you.


Generators are commonly used facilities.

The commonly used equipment of form a complete set of generators:  
1.The water jacket heater.
 For water chilling unit, although the use of antifreeze liquid cooling, but in the environmental temperature is below freezing cold area, will still because the liquidity of liquid temperature is too low, the body make generator starts difficult. With water jacket heater, can make the coolant temperature, liquidity enhancement, and rely on the heat transfer to make the body temperature will increase, thus started difficult problems have been solved. 
2.Alternator, control panel moistureproof
If the unit depositing temperature high or low temperature place for a long time, it is recommended to use ac generator and control controller moistureproof. It can lower the temperature of the generator and the control panel, or reduce the electrostatic effect in winter.
3.Start the battery mains charger.
Start the battery charger, electric, can be used in normal charging, to fast or slow start-up battery charging, keep it enough power meet the demand of the next start. This kind of accessories for ready to start the standby generator unit and automation is particularly important.
4.Electronic governor.
Using electronic governor unit different from mechanical speed turbine, the most obvious advantage is to make the steady state frequency adjustment range is small, the speed of the diesel engine than mechanical adjustment type unit stability, make the generator output frequency and voltage fluctuation is small, suitable in some higher requirements on the frequency, voltage load, such as computers, UPS power supply system. In addition, used as a weaver of the units out of efi unit will be required to have electronic governor. 
Other equipment such as:high and low fuel level control switch,grounding fault protection,automatic fuel supplement system,etc., these must be ordered, and mounted by professional personnel. 



The matters of attention in the battery used in diesel generator set

Diesel generator set long-term storage battery,before use must give proper charging,in order to ensure the normal capacity of the battery.(can measure the actual capacity of the battery)by hydrometer normal operation and charging can lead to some water is from the battery,which requires rehydration the battery frequently.Before rehyration,first of all,should clean the dirt around the mouth filling,prevent them from falling into the battery box,and then open the mouth filling,adding suitable amount of distilled water or pure water,do not add too full,on the basic of battery pole index plate),otherwise,the battery discharge or charge,the electrolyte inside will be poured out of the overflow .Avoid battery unit start in low temperature,low temperature environment capacity of the battery will not be able to normal output,and discharge for a long time may cause the battery failure (cracking or explosion)spare units periodically yo maintain the battery charging,suggest the user to choose battery was electric.


Master more basic knowledge of the gas turbine generator, buy suitable for generator.

Small conventional gas turbine generator is a typical representative of the large power generation equipment, can provide from 1 to several megawatts of power, can satisfy almost everything including office buildings, hospitals, schools, shops, the demand of the building.
Turbine generator of exhaust gas is an ideal heat source, absorption refrigerating machine is used for cooling, heating and provide sanitary hot water. Because compared with coal gas, the waste gas impurities and sulfur content is low, the second most significant is its high oxygen content, can reach more than 15% and can be used as the combustion air, direct-fired machine on the second combustion.
Gas turbine generators are often used as power rush when load in summer. However, because of the high summer temperatures, resulting in the output of the gas turbine severity shortage, low efficiency. Therefore, lithium bromide refrigerating machine by using turbine exhaust cooling to cool air inlet of turbine generator, can greatly improve the output and efficiency of turbine generator. Has been proved to be a very effective way of energy saving.
Turbine generator usually consists of turbine, gearbox, generator, air intake supercharger and exhaust system.
Turbine generator system according to its process is different, divided into: combined cycle, simple loop and front circulation. Combined cycle is usually produced by recycling waste heat boiler gas turbine exhaust steam, and then drive a steam turbine, or directly provide steam, is a common process of new power plants. 
Our company Weifang huaquan power machinery co,.ltd as a professional diesel generator manufacturing vendors, wants us to release the information to help you.


If you want to buy a diesel generator as backup power supply ,huaquan power to help you.

Many customers choose and buy diesel generators before, I don't know more powerful, a lot of customers have a misunderstanding, is I drive equipment is how much power, I will buy more high-power diesel generators, actually this kind of idea is wrong. Normally purchased by the power of the generator should be you drive equipment of the power of 3-5 times, because the average electricity need to start the power supply, the start of instantaneous power needed to is in itself is about three times, the generator to work it out before the choose and buy yourself with load is how much.
Standby diesel generator set refers to the basic normal mains, only occasionally do temporary power use to case of power failure. Use frequency is not high, the use of short time, low mechanical loss, low trouble. This case there is no need to blindly pursue high-end diesel generating sets, general brand diesel generator can meet your demand. Fuel consumption, noise, failure rate and repair time these indicators don't have to think too much.

The prominent advantage of weichai stake in diesel generator engine.

Diesel generator brand has a lot of kinds, but the quality is uneven, the advantage is different also. Weichai shares pay attention to quality, pay attention to after-sales, pay attention to the needs of customers. The following is the advantage of weifang diesel engine: 
1. weifang diesel engine USES the alloy material of concave and convex body, on both sides of the curved surface to strengthen, enhance the stiffness and vibration absorption performance. The body's central to the mounting bracket to make the machine more reliable installation.
2. USES the AVL advanced combustion technology: screw for treating airway NT cylinder cover, high power, five hole injector, combined with the improved design of the inlet valve, the optimization design of piston combustion chamber, high pressure pump end PZ fuel injection pump, efficient supercharger and inter-cooled, achieved the best match between oil, gas, improve the performance of the diesel engine to meet the vessel in various operation modes of power needs.
3. patent technology optimization design of crankshaft assembly, configuration of new silicone oil torsional vibration damper, make diesel engine work more smoothly.
4. designed for ship machine user's 6 groove pulley, but with more power plant.
5. the body's built-in deputy oil duct, match with special nozzle for continuous injection piston cooling, effectively reduce diesel engine heat load.
6.diesel engine equipped with monitor and emergency stop device.It can realize water temperature,oil temperature,oil pressure and speed automatic alarm and emergency stop.Users can also be selected according to need far eastone displays(remote monitor),realize the engine room separated from the cockpit.
7.diesel engine performance advantages of low fuel consumption,minimum fuel consumption of 198 g/kw.h reasonable inlet and expanded the scope of the operation of the diesel engine fuel supply system matching,to ensure that the common working condition of low fuel consumption. 


To improve the performance of diesel generator set start and start diesel generator should be done in the winter .

At present, the way to improve start up performance of diesel generator set, specific have the following kinds:
1. The stress relief method. By decompression for diesel generating sets inlet valve and exhaust valve to reduce the compression ratio, improving the starting resistance to start, this method is used in winter is more, for some small diesel generator set, manufacturers are generally designed specific pressure-relief devices, to reduce the resistance when it is started.
2. Preheating method. Of diesel generating sets of preheating method generally have air preheating method, oil heating and cooling water preheating method, etc., either way for preheating, will be made according to the specific conditions.
3. Artificial turning method. This method is one of the words in big bolt cutter pull (diesel engine flywheel ring gear, before the start of the general to throw to the flywheel ring gear more than two circles. The aim is to decrease the starting resistance.
Diesel generator set users know diesel generators in the winter should pay attention to when using a lot of problems, such as diesel generator maintenance, in the winter of diesel generator problems such as antifreeze. Winter in starting the diesel generating set is an important task of the operators to do the following:
1. Ensure good drainage. 2. Make sure that the battery capacity and voltage meet the requirements. 3. for artificial plate of car diesel generating set. 4.. Under pressure of inlet and exhaust valves. 5. The cooling water heating, guarantee the diesel generating set in thermal state.
I hope my advice can help to you. At the same time I also very glad to help you


Generator manufacturer told you choose diesel generating set factors should be considered

Most when choosing diesel generators, diesel generators users only care about the price, of course, this is an important factor that is slow. Don't ask the unit configuration, brand, performance, after-sales, ask the manufacturer whether formal, ignore these problems tend to cause too much cannot normal use or malfunction. Even if you can use, also cannot get normal after sales service. The generator set is lost its true value. Full power machinery co., LTD. So, China here warn broad buyers when choosing generating set, attention should be paid to the following:
1. Do the price comparison. Diesel engine configuration on the podium, for example, buy a diesel generator and buy a cummins engine diesel generators, the configuration of the wood on the configuration of the price is cheaper, but fuel consumption is larger than the cummins, if is a common choice of cummins is more appropriate, because of cummins diesel generator failure rate is low, performance is stable. 
2. Choose according to the working conditions of use and power requirements. For example: the power supply and power plant of the telecom room security guarantee places with special requirements, when choosing a standby diesel generator set, to understand the strength of the manufacturing plant, production process, motivation and power of the unit configuration and after-sales service tracking status, suggested that similar to the factory on-the-spot investigation, best ensure that the trust of equipment.
3.The check of the old and new machine. User after buying diesel generating set, generally only see appearance, ignore the details of the other, the best inspection method is engine manufacturer free service calls for inspection.
4.Best to OEM manufacturers purchase genset, OEM manufacturers most in stock, timely delivery time, the same configuration of units is relatively cheap, after-sales service.
I hope my advice will be able to let you buy good diesel generating set. 


The essential difference between diesel generator and gas generator .

In daily life, everyone understand the diesel generators and gas generators is confined to the fuel needed for different, one is diesel, one is a gas, such as natural gas, methane gas, methane gas. Are not very understand the intrinsic or principle. I just enter this industry as a workplace newbie, consult the company's technical adviser. I'll give you a comprehensible about them.
Essential difference between the different power sources. One is a steam turbine is a diesel engine.
Steam turbine is the use of high temperature and high pressure saturated steam to drive a turbine rotating, his power is large, the regulation of speed and power complex. It requires a lot of external auxiliary equipment, such as steam boiler, as well as the large exhaust system. Suitable for power plants to produce electricity. Mainly depend on the quantity of steam into the adjustment work.
Diesel engine with diesel in the work of the combustion in cylinder moves the pistons, finally driven by piston axis of rotation, its power is small, but the regulation of speed and power is more easy and simple. Less peripheral auxiliary equipment you need. Can do small. Suitable for mobile power. Adjust the volume of fuel oil is mainly to adjust work is done.
Although I this explanation is very simple, but I believe that everyone understand the essential difference between the two. If you want to know what's the problem, can you give me a comment or visit our homepage consulting service, we are all very happy will authentication solution for you.  


Using gas generator rational utilization of energy, reduce environmental pollution.

Don't confuse gas generator and diesel generator, generally down said gas generator was used as a device, and diesel generator is used as an emergency or backup device. Can use methane gas generator, natural gas as fuel, and diesel generator can only use diesel oil as fuel. In terms of global oil resources, now is the lack of is limited. So we need to promote new energy to let everybody to accept and use. The comprehensive benefit of gas generator set is better than diesel generating set, after all, more gas than diesel fuel economy.
I summarized the four advantages of diesel generator is as follows: 
with gas generator power output range, high start and reliable operation, good power quality, light weight, small volume, simple maintenance, the advantages of low frequency noise, they usually have the following four advantages:
1.the operation of the gas generator of low cost: the new energy, and environmental clean waste emissions is more and more become the user's preferred.
2., the gas generator set start performance is good, start-up success rate high. After the success of the from cold start to full load time only for 30 seconds, and the international rules after the success of the diesel generator start 3 minutes on load. Gas turbine generating set can be any sure the environment temperature and climate of success.
3.little vibration, gas generating set of low noise. Because of high speed rotating gas turbine, its vibration is very small, and low frequency noise is better than that of diesel generator set.
4. the combustible gas generator gas is clean, cheap energy, such as: oil field associated gas, tile wire, rod gas, methane gas, in which the fuel generating set not only reliable operation, low cost, and can turn, won't produce pollution. 
There may be some friends still think better diesel generators, gas generators technology is not mature. If you think so that you are wrong, the use of natural gas for power generation, France and Britain and other countries in Europe have five hundred and sixty years of history, the largest single has a capacity of 7000 kw. At home, nearly 20 years of successful operation experience, the domestic gas generator on the market has more than ten years. For stand-alone capacity under 1OOOkW small gas-fired power stations, domestic generators, can completely replace the imported unit and the unit repair, maintenance and after-sales service, etc., the domestic unit has more advantages. 
Use of natural gas power generation, not just in order to use the new energy, more important is to protect the environment. Now the environmental pollution even if I do not say, should be very clear in the heart of everybody. If each of us to protect the environment as their own thing, seriously. That our environment problems will gradually improve. 


Let your diesel generator use cost is not a problem ,Let huaquan power to tell you !

Diesel generator as the most common type of standby power, may not use it frequently, but how to save cost is a problem concerned by users.  
How to make your diesel generator use more cost savings in assembly parts, less as far as possible to repair parts.
But there are always contradictory, parts in less, although thrift the cost, but the repair quality. Therefore, before the repair, to do a good job in testing in use within the scope of the parts, as far as possible don't change. Important components can't make do. Such as: valve, piston and rings, bearing, piston and nozzle, filter, oil, oil seal. Some can change don't change will not change, such as: flywheel ring gear, reverse side with or with grinding wheel repair. Friction with the flywheel, the available lathe turning.
When found that excessive oil consumption, should first check the body and gear chamber cover, the market on one side of the road wheel, back cover, cover joint whether there is oil leakage, etc. Such as oil leakage, should pay attention to observe whether the connection parts of the seal is complete, to replace damaged seal. If the seal is complete, should pick up each part of the check the connection of the screw is loose. On the loose bolts with the wrench to the provisions of the torsion. If part of the above basic normal, and the oil spill in the rack position, oil casing inspection, inspection area mainly in side of the oil with road wheel shell side of the front end, because of mounting screw loosening, oil road wheel under the triangle drive and protection shell frame Angle cause long-term brush touch, grinding oil casing through forming gap and oil generation.
Diesel add antifreeze condensate treatment agent, can greatly improve the low temperature fluidity of diesel, when the temperature is reduced, as soon as the wax crystal formation, the coagulant will jointly with the wax precipitation and adsorption on the wax crystal surface, make the wax crystal particles small, grew up and prevent mutual bonding between wax crystal, prevent generate continuous crystallization network, make the wax crystal particles to flow through the filter. 
In short, always maintain your diesel generator also to carefully check the machine, this will allow you to save costs, also can let you the life of the growing use of diesel generators. 


Ignore the diesel generator smoking may give you a big trouble

Diesel generator smoking problem is more than one, the machine failure may emit blue smoke, black smoke and white smoke. Most people may think this is small problem, if you ignore these problems, might give you cause unnecessary trouble.
1.The cause of the diesel generator smoke by the following:
(1) bad under-inflated or air leakage in the air cylinder compression, overload operation;
(2) the operation of the fuel supply system such as drip, low pressure, spray injector, fuel pump oil, fuel delivery time early
Too late, oil supply CAM wear.
(3) combustor burning loss, loss of normal function, cause the fuel and air mixture. 
2.Blue smoke coming in the diesel engine fault should be inspected as follows: 
(1) inspecting the oil level of oil pan is too much.
(2) check the condition of cylinder liner, piston and piston ring.
(3) the valve and duct clearance is too large, the oil is inhaled into the combustion chamber, combustion should replace worn valve and valve guide.
(4) check whether the air filter is blocked.
3.Diesel engine exhaust white smoke fault check:
To the point that in the winter cold start, the exhaust pipe to take a lot of white smoke, but after a period of time running white smoke disappear gradually, it is normal phenomenon.
(1) the engine temperature is too low.
(2) the water in oil supply system.
(3) the injection time is too late.
(4) nozzle atomization.
(5) cylinder pressure is too low.
Maybe my introduction is not very comprehensive, also is not very professional. You can visit our website online customer service you want to ask questions. 


The selection and design of diesel generator room should not be ignored .

Don't think you to buy a diesel generator power problem solved, the selection of the generator room is not appropriate, also may be you are worried about this problem.
First of all, you need to determine the diesel generator room, must consider the ventilation, exhaust, sound and shock absorption of moisture, unit. Under the permission, room had better choose in the first layer, but the function of high-rise building is more complex, usage requirements for area is very high, so generally in underground or the ground floor.
The following is a room for site selection should pay attention to the problem:
1. Should not be located in around the exterior walls of the room, for the hot air pipe and exhaust pipe extended outdoor create favorable conditions;
2. Try to stay away from the building's main entrance, facade and other parts, so as not to smoke and exhaust affect its;
3. Pay attention to the noise impact on the environment;
4. Close to the structure of the substation, so convenient for connection, reduce power losses, also facilitate the operation and management;
5. Should not be always has water standing in the toilet, bathroom, or other places right and neighborhood.
Second, the room layout is reasonable, according to the size of the diesel generator and the quantity to decide, room layout should be reasonable economy, guarantee the safe and easy to maintain.
Third, computer room grounding problem, room there are three kinds of grounding, grounding, protective grounding and anti-static. Various grounding can be rather than building other Shared grounding device, which adopts joint grounding method. The storage of the fourth, the fuel, or want to have for between oil storage in the telecom room 8 hours of continuous operation of daily-use oil tank, but oil is more than 100 l, should be placed in the room with fire partition between the special oil storage.