The parts of electric control system of diesel generator sets of performance is good or bad,electric wiring is normal or not,often with its parameters such as voltage or resistance.Without these data,the system will be difficult fault detection,tend to take a new replacement method,these methods can sometimes cause maintenance costs soared and takes work.Future use first to the type in the overhaul of the unit,should be ready to repair the unit type of the maintenance data concerned.In addition to the maintenance data,another effective way is to use trouble-free unit to measure the related parameters of the system ,and record down,as in the future maintenance of same type unit testing parameters.If notice at ordinary times,to do the job well can bring convenience to system fault check.
Special note: diesel generating sets failure is not necessarily in the motor control system. If you find malfunction with the generating set and the fault warning light is not bright, in most cases, the fault inspection according to the basic diagnostic procedures. Otherwise, you may encounter a has nothing to do with the electronic control system fault originally, but check the electric control system, such as sensors, actuators and circuit, spend a lot of time, but the real fault is not found.
Should pay attention to when using diesel generator maintenance machines, regularly check the fault of diesel generator can produce place, try to reduce diesel generator failure caused by the unnecessary trouble. I also hope that I broke the news of the diesel generator fault diagnosis can help to you.