
Air quality is good or bad effects on diesel generators.

We humans need a breath of fresh air to maintain a healthy,likewise,diesel generator set also need clean air.The air contains impurities will not only harm people's health,too much failure damage can also be for diesel generator set.Air quality and circulation of diesel generator set plays a decisive role,we must attach importance to in the process of using, weifang huaquan power machinery co.,LTD.technical support and after-sales team is a leading industry,have other questions please feel free to ask us.If the diesel generating set is used in indoor,we make sure he has plenty of fresh air.Seal if the room is too tight,it will lead to air circulation,this not only affect the diesel engine of diesel combustion rate at the same time also reduces the cooling effect of inlet air cooling can not reach,the heat generated by the unit out,room temperature will gradually rise,red alert value caused by faults,generally do not install the window,so the room with a burglar mesh instead of glass,and the height of the window above the ground is unfavorable and exorbitant, this may also affect diesel generating sets "breath of fresh air. Some customers in the outdoor use diesel generating set without considering the environment factors, just use. Gradually found that diesel engine power falling slowly, but I don't know why. In fact this is the diesel generator set a lot of dirty air inhaled or inhalation of dust and has led to the decrease of the power of diesel engine, generator if inhaled dirt magazine makes the stator gap between insulation damage, serious can lead to the generator destroyed. Therefore, in the outdoor use diesel generator unit must ensure that the environment quality, price of generator, or take the necessary protective measures to "filter" air.

