With the correct selection of the diesel genset.
Diesel combustion performance mainly cetane number.The higher cetane number, the better the performance of diesel combustion, but its solidifying point is higher also.Said solidifying point diesel low temperature fluidity, refers to the oil in the cold start, the highest temperature solidification and loss of liquidity is one of the important indicators of diesel.We use diesel label is its solidifying point.Condensation point and diesel low temperature performance of no direct corresponding relationship.Before because in diesel coagulation precipitation of paraffin crystal, different crude oil and refining methods of diesel, the shape and size of the crystals are different, they tend to jam the mesh of diesel engine, oil supply disruptions.Therefore, the use of a diesel engine car should pay attention to according to the use of environment temperature to select the appropriate product label.
Diesel before use should be fully precipitation, filtration, to eliminate impurities, generally should not be less than 48 hours.This is because the high speed diesel engine high pressure oil pump and nozzle are very precision parts, mechanical impurities into slightly, will badly worn.In addition, the diesel oil under the condition of low temperature when using, should be preheated.Different label diesel, because of its quality index except the solidifying point basic same, so you can in suitable seasons under the condition of oil to mix.