As far as I know,Most buyers don't know how to buy generator.For example,Some buyers were tricked into buy second-hand diesel generators . Weifang huaquan power machinery co,.ltd as a professional production of seller to tell you some things
should pay attention to when buying.At the same time, we hope you can understand our products, we will
try to do big ability meet your buying needs.
A, appearance requirements.
a.The boundaries of diesel generating set size, the size of the installation and connection size are conform to the prescribed procedures approved by the product design
b.Diesel generator electrical installation shall comply with the circuit diagram, the each wire connection of the unit should have obvious sign of not easy to fall off
c.Diesel generator should be good grounding terminals.
d.Diesel generator panels complete content
B.Phase sequence requirements .
a.Diesel generator set control panel terminal phase sequence of the look from the front control panel should be sorted from left to right or from top to bottom
C.Diesel generators to maintain for running state requirements.
a.Unit should have heating device, ensure the emergency start and rapid loading when the oil temperature, cooling medium temperature is not lower than 15 ℃.
D.Insulation resistance and dielectric strength :
a.The electric circuits of the insulation resistance: the independence of the ground and the insulation resistance between circuit should be greater than 2 m
b.Dielectric strength: the unit of each independent electric loop and loop should be able to withstand the test voltage for 1 min, communication between should be no breakdown or flashing phenomenon.
E.Automatic startup power supply and the reliability of the automatic stop check .
a.Joint control or remote control of the startup command, the diesel generator should be able to start automatically.
b.Unit start automatically after the 3rd time failure, should signal launch failure; Has a spare unit, program should be able to start the system will automatically start instructions transmitted to another spare units.
c.From the automatic startup instruction to supply power to the load time should not more than 3 min
d.After the success of the diesel generator automatically start, loading calibration load should be not less than 50% for the first time
e.After joint control or remote control of the stop order, the unit should be able to automatically stop; With the utility grid and spare units, when the power grid, after returning to normal diesel generator should be able to automatically switch or automatic stop, its means of downtime outage delay time should comply with the regulations of product technical conditions
This is our contact information :
Adress:weicheng economic development zone,
Hotline:0086-536-8070010 0086-15905360213