





据悉,采购该台发电机的是一家马来西亚能源开发企业——V. V.公司,其老板 Tan Weng Stong为马来籍华人,由于企业在柬埔寨业务发展的需要,他们决定采购一台柴油发电机组作为备用电源,以应对因电力不足而带来的困扰。我们知道,柬埔寨,全名为柬埔寨王国(Kingdom of Cambodia),旧称高棉,位于中南半岛南部。上世纪70年代起,柬埔寨国内长期战乱,国民经济受到极大破坏。1993年,随着柬国家权力机构相继成立和民族和解的实现,柬埔寨进入和平与发展的新时期。虽然经历了20多年的稳定和发展,该国经济基础仍然薄弱,以传统农业为主,工业基础滞后,是世界上最不发达国家之一。






Egypt customer success to buy diesel genset.

Today,Egypt customer come to our company place a order of our diesel genset.
Because for the Africa region electric power facilities is very backward,must buy diesel generator sets as the standby power supply.
Customers choose and buy is high configuration of diesel generator set,at the same time,we provide high quality after-sales service in foreign countries.
Our company set up after-sales service stations all over the world.
Welcome friends from all over the world to our company.



某些柴油发电机组在某段时间或经常需要长时间连续地进行,以作为用电负荷的常用供电电源,这类发电机组称为常用发电机组。常用发电机组可作为常用机组与备用机组。远离大电网的乡镇、海岛、林场 、矿山、油田等地区或工矿企业,为了供给当地居民生厂及生活用电,需要安装柴油发电机,这类发电 机组平时应不间断地进行。  
      国防工程、通信枢纽、广播电台、微波接力站等重要设施,应设有备用柴油发电机组。这类设施用电平时可由市电电力网供给。但是,由于地震、台风、战争等其他自然灾害或人为因素,使市电网遭受破坏 而停电以后,已设置的备用机组应迅速起动,并坚持长期不间断地进行,以保证对这些重要工程用电负 荷的连续供电,这种备用发电机组也属于常用发电机组类型。常用发电机组持续工作时间长,负荷曲线 变化较大,机组容量、台数、型式的选择及机组的进行控制方式与应急机组不同。  
按机组长期持续运行输出功率能满足全工程最大计算负荷选择,并应根据负荷的重要性确定发电机组备 用机组容量。柴油机持续进行的输出功率,一般为标定功率的0.9倍。    2. 常用柴油发电机组台数的确定
常用柴油发电机组台数的设置通常为2台以上,以保证供电的连续性及适应用电负荷曲线的变化。机组台数多,才可以根据用电负荷的变化确定投入发电机组的进行台数,使柴油机经常是在经济负荷下运行,以减少燃油消耗率,降低发电成本。柴油机的最佳经济运行状态是在标定功率的75%-90%之间。为保证供电的连续性,常用机组本身应考虑设置备用机组,当进行机组故障检修或停机检查时,使发电机组仍然 能够满足对重要用电负荷不间断地持续供电。


Do you know these fuel-efficient diesel generator sets new ways?

As a new power equipment,diesel genset with diesel engines as the driving force,drag synchronous generator,not only start quickly and less investment, environmental adaptability, but fuel consumption has been an issue of concern. So, fuel-efficient diesel generator sets which method has it?

    First, to increase diesel generator cooling water temperature. Raise the water temperature to make a more complete combustion of diesel, oil viscosity small, can reduce the resistance movement, to achieve fuel efficiency.

    Second, to maintain the best supply angle. As oil angular deviation will cause oil too late, fuel consumption soars.

    Third, to ensure that the machine does not leak. Diesel generators often due to pipeline joints uneven surface, deformed or damaged gasket surface loopholes phenomenon. Approach is that the valve gasket coated with paint on the glass polished, positive pipe joints. Additional diesel recovery, can return pipe with plastic pipe will choke on the air core screw connection, so that return oil flows into the tank.

    Fourth, oil purification before use. Failure diesel generator fuel system by more than half. Approach is, buy diesel shelved precipitation 2-4 days and then used to precipitate 98% of impurities, such as are bought and used, you can put two layers of silk or toilet paper in the filter at the fuel tank.

    To ensure that the diesel generator set to achieve the best fuel efficiency is what every user and manufacturer relentless pursuit of the goal, do the above points, it is bound to achieve the purpose of saving fuel. If you have a better fuel-efficient diesel generator set method You are also welcome to get in touch with us, share your experience to more people.





Huaquan Power generator manufacturers tell you: daily diesel genset maintenance rules

Diesel generator sets in addition to the general seasonal maintenance, routine maintenance can not be ignored, we only have to start from the subtle, in order to effectively make good use of diesel generators. Diesel genset routine maintenance to note the following three points:
First, a need to check the two liquid oil (diesel, lubricating oil, cooling liquid).
Because diesel engines long at rest, the unit itself will be a variety of materials and oil, diesel oil, coolant, air, chemical, physical changes, and thus will produce diesel generator sets implicit and sustained damage. Therefore, diesel and lubricating oil are to be managed, specific requirements are as follows:
1, note that diesel save Location: diesel fuel tank should be placed in a closed room, consider one from the fire safety system; the second is to ensure the diesel fuel does not deteriorate. Because water vapor in the air due to changes in temperature condensed water droplets condensed will be attached to the tank wall, if the inflow diesel fuel, diesel oil will lead to excessive moisture, excessive diesel will gradually corroded parts inside the engine, which Species rust will have a serious impact on the performance of precision coupling, so that the unit overhaul or early retirement.
2, note that lubricant retention: there is a shelf life of lubricants, which point many people do not know. Long kept oil discharge will make it physical and chemical properties change, lubricating oil deterioration can not be achieved after the lubrication unit, resulting in the risk of mechanical damage to the engine.
Second: Check the start solenoid valve
Diesel generator is running, you can hear, smell, see, touch to the running of the unit to be checked. After the start by listening approach to import Cummins diesel generator set, for example, press the start button for three seconds to start. In three seconds in the startup process, under normal circumstances, be able to hear clicks twice. If you only hear the first but did not hear the second sound, then you need to check to start the solenoid valve is working properly.
Third: Check the batteries are not commonly used generator sets.
Standby diesel generator is not often used in daily life, so the unit can start, battery maintenance is the key factor, on battery maintenance in another section about. Domestic battery life in about two years. The above-mentioned three basic maintenance of diesel generator sets in the course must be noted that there may be a small mistake can cause diesel generator fails, and therefore to take preventive measures.












Diesel generator can be used for many years

Diesel genset different prices, different brands, different quality. Its service life is not the same. Many factors determine the price, including brand, power, environmental protection, transportation and other expenses. But with age even more difficult to say. Even better crew, if care is not good, not regular use as a diesel generator will be ruined.
      Under normal circumstances, the diesel genset life depends on the normal use, including the proper way to start and stop, normal maintenance and repair unit, the unit load size, the unit lubricating oil and diesel fuel quality, etc., will affect the diesel generator set life.


Korean customer come to our company to place an order to buy diesel genset

Korean customer come to our company to place an order to buy diesel genset,Our leadership and employees together with him to visit the factory, to test center to see diesel generator unit operation.
Korean customer said very satisfied, hope to establish long-term cooperative relationship with our company.


How to carry on the effective management of diesel generator set

Huaquan power as a professional diesel generator supplier,Emphasis in the process of contact with the customer for the diesel generator set the importance of building effective management mechanism, but there are few customers can really do that.Most of our customers in the use after a period of time to relax the requirements, and so may see no harm in the short term, but if long time stay relaxed, can bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to customers, so customer must to effective management of diesel generator set.
The effective management of the specific method is as follows:
1. Diesel generator set there should be a separate room, the door is locked at ordinary times, non-working personnel off-limits.
2. Diesel generating sets of management should grasp the using situation of the unit at any time, to see whether there is a fault.Familiar with the parts maintenance cycle.
3. The switch of diesel generator set at ordinary times should be set in the automatic startup state, for the power for the first time on running, save electricity time reduce the loss.
4. Diesel generating sets of management should have knowledge of the unit, in the state of diesel generator set doesn't work should be based on the knowledge of professional knowledge of diesel generator set maintenance and inspection, will be found and ruled out problems in a timely manner.
These diesel generating set should be operated by personnel management methods, and diesel generator set to the usage, maintenance, repair of put on record, finishing archive, convenient view when necessary.Only strict management and normal operation, the combination of diesel generating sets to play the strongest performance.


soundproof generator room ventilation is good or bad influence the effect of noise reduction

The premise of diesel genset can work normally.To meet the effect of noise reduction at the same time, diesel generating sets of engine room ventilation requirements must be considered, because the diesel generator set runtime needs a lot of fresh air, must be designed to meet the requirements of room air duct, a lot of noise from intakes and exhaust duct spread to the outside of the room.Reasonable design of intakes and exhaust duct is an important link in reducing noise, diesel generating sets of intake and exhaust duct adopt turning air duct, special intake silencer and exhaust silencers, lumen device sound-absorbing materials and perforated sound-absorbing board, at the same time in order to ensure the unit can run normal long press on the rated power, inlet and outlet of the unit must be in accordance with the requirements of the unit using the reserved enough exhaust area, exhaust pipe of the unit with low noise axial flow fan, to ensure room have enough ventilation rate, through the above method is expected to reduce the noise for 25 to 30 db.
Exhaust noise is the main noise sources of the unit, the use of two secondary dead muffler series, is expected to reduce the TL = 30-40 db, on the other hand, the exhaust pipe connection must be sealed performance is good, part of the noise through the exhaust pipe into the atmosphere.
To prevent the unit for a long time after the operation, room temperature rise, affect the output power of the unit, the unit of waste gas exhaust and smoke exhaust muffler for heat insulation and heat preservation processing.


Diesel generating sets have shipment to Cambodia

Diesel generating sets have shipment to Cambodia.
If you want to buy diesel generator,you can contact me any time.
Looking forward to your email.


Diesel engine valve fault judgment

Huaquan power as a professional diesel generator supplier,teach everyone to judge method.
First,Foot valve is a kind of continuous rhythmic, "click" sound, like the coo of the idle speed, medium speed, sound clear, clear, high speed, noise, at the side of the valve chamber to listen to, the noise is more obvious, and the noise from the "fire" and the influence of the temperature of diesel engine. When inspection, remove the valve cover, first make the diesel engine idle running, listen to the sound valve and observe the influence of the lubricating oil splash. Found the valve after the foot ring, application of feeler check valve clearance, such as valve clearance is greater than the standard requirements, should readjust clearance range, after adjusting valve foot ring will disappear. If there is still a slight sound, also cannot adjust the valve clearance again to less than the specified value, otherwise will affect the normal diesel engine power.
Second, valve plunger ring is a sound similar to the small ball land on the SLATE "clicking" sound, hair ring parts in the side of the shaft. When the engine idle speed, noise, medium speed above noise reduced or disappeared. Check, remove the valve cover, with wire hook on the valve plunger adjustment screw, if the noise reduced or disappeared, then the valve plunger ring.
Third, the tapping of a valve spring break, usually of a soft valve springs or broken cause, the sound of it is a kind of "scrape" tapping. Diagnosis, the valve chamber cover will be removed, with auditory and visual inspection, if the multi-cylinder diesel engine, to find out which is the first cylinder valve work is not normal, and then use screwdriver don't live valve spring, if the noise disappear, shows that the cylinder valve spring soft or broken.
Four, valve seat ring loose tapping is caused by the following reasons: materials, heat deformation and loose after kuang, loose fit clearance correctly. Loose valve seat ring will issue a "scrape" tapping, the sound and the valve spring break sound similar, but than valve spring break sound a bit boring, if it is a multi-cylinder diesel engine, the available "cut-off" judging method, if the voice is not reduced during oil cut-off, sometimes more obvious, is the valve seat ring is loose, check the valve cover shall be removed, such as valve clearance is not big and spring didn't break, can conclude that the valve seat loose kuang percussion.


Five sets of 200 kw silent diesel genset successfully signed a contract, export of Nigeria.

Nigeria is Africa's most populous country, also is Africa's biggest economy.In recent years, due to the relatively stable political situation, economic and social development is rapid, agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and the tertiary industry are different degree of development.But as the country's infrastructure is relatively backward, especially power supply serious lag, has the serious influence to the local production and living and social development.After diesel genset exported to Nigeria, will be used in the local hospital as backup power supply.After receiving orders from production, all production employees to overcome various unfavorable factors, working overtime, finally the high quality, high standard to complete production tasks.The success of the five sets of exports, but also for the future China full power generating sets in the African market laid a solid foundation, the accumulation of experience.


Details of diesel generator set start and stop the two forms

Diesel genset professional information is introduced
First, the manual commissioning
1. The diesel generator set manually start: first test alarm system after normal, price controls open concern the position in the manual (MAN), diesel generating sets can be started on its own.
Parking: 2. The diesel generator set control open concern to stop (stop) position or press the red emergency stop button to stop a generator.An emergency press the emergency stop button can be directly forced outage.If press the red emergency stop button must be returned in situ, or generating set will not be able to start.
Second, automatic switching device.
1. Will open concern to automatic control (AUTO), and cooperate with the power automatic transfer switch (ATS) control switch should be used in the automatic position, when mains power outages, ATS will start signal generator control system, the opportunity to start my own to generate electricity.
2. When the control concerns to STOP (STOP), or remain in the automatic, but the utility has returned to ATS that sent the signal, the parking diesel generator set will STOP automatically.Note: the running of the diesel generator set, due to the fault (speed, high temperature, low oil pressure, etc.) and automatic stop when generating set in fault reset button after troubleshooting should be the pressure can be ready to start again.


With the correct selection of the diesel generator

With the correct selection of the diesel genset.
Diesel combustion performance mainly cetane number.The higher cetane number, the better the performance of diesel combustion, but its solidifying point is higher also.Said solidifying point diesel low temperature fluidity, refers to the oil in the cold start, the highest temperature solidification and loss of liquidity is one of the important indicators of diesel.We use diesel label is its solidifying point.Condensation point and diesel low temperature performance of no direct corresponding relationship.Before because in diesel coagulation precipitation of paraffin crystal, different crude oil and refining methods of diesel, the shape and size of the crystals are different, they tend to jam the mesh of diesel engine, oil supply disruptions.Therefore, the use of a diesel engine car should pay attention to according to the use of environment temperature to select the appropriate product label.
Diesel before use should be fully precipitation, filtration, to eliminate impurities, generally should not be less than 48 hours.This is because the high speed diesel engine high pressure oil pump and nozzle are very precision parts, mechanical impurities into slightly, will badly worn.In addition, the diesel oil under the condition of low temperature when using, should be preheated.Different label diesel, because of its quality index except the solidifying point basic same, so you can in suitable seasons under the condition of oil to mix.


The internal structure of diesel generator set control panel.

Diesel genset simple are commonly inside the control panel is equipped with voltage regulator, silicon rectifier diode, resistor, such as automatic air switch and current transformer parts, more complex in the control panel to install overload and short circuit protection device, electronic governor, SCR, relay, and all sorts of insurance device and small transformer and other electrical equipment.


Diesel generator set ten taboos

In order to make diesel genset can operate properly, Shandong huaquan power co.,ltd  Talk to you use generating set of the ten big taboo.
First, no cooling water, or add boiling water after start engine start to add cooling water, can make the hot cylinder liner, cylinder head and other important components caused by the sudden encounter cold cracking or deformation;To the cold snap in body plus 100 ℃ hot water, also can shock crack cylinder head and the body, should stay when the temperature dropped to 60 ~ 70 ℃ to join again.
Second, is not in accordance with the provisions, diesel engine oil supply should not be at start up will stress the handle into the "work" out oil supply, and should be before the launch will throttle lever on the location of the fuel supply.According to the instructions of the harm is: not waste fuel;Redundant diesel will scour the cylinder wall, make the deterioration of lubrication between the piston, piston ring and cylinder liner and aggravate the wear;Residual oil into the oil pan will be diluted oil lubrication and the effect;Incomplete combustion of diesel will be too much in the cylinder form carbon deposition.
Three, cart to start the diesel engine under the condition of the cold car engine oil sticky cart, exacerbate between each moving parts wear and tear, thus reduce the service life of the locomotive.
Four, not on schedule in used lubricating oil, fuel oil in the cold weather season, if not timely change of low viscosity lubricating oil and fuel oil, diesel engine is hard to start.
Five, with open flame roasting the oil pan and the fire started at inlet pipe to prevent fire, application soft fire, coal fire in a certain distance baking of diesel engine oil pan, slowly shake shaft oil at the same time, let the oil evenly heat, make each part have been lubrication.If a fire started on the diesel engine intake pipe, can make the material burning ash and hard sundries sucked into the cylinder, intake and exhaust door closed lax caused to speed up the cylinder wear.
Six, long time using electro-thermal plug, flame preheater electro-thermal plug, flame preheater of the heating element for the heating wire, its power consumption and heat output is very big, use for a long time can damage because of rapid discharge of battery, at the same time also can burn out heating wire.Electric plug, therefore, each time not more than 1 minute continuous use, every time the flame preheater of continuous use time to control within 20 seconds.
Seven, to add oil to add oil cylinder cylinder directly, can have the effect of sealing pressurization warming, is advantageous for the diesel engine cold start, but cannot complete combustion engine oil, easy to produce carbon, lessened the flexibility of piston ring, cylinder sealing performance;In addition, will also accelerate the wear of cylinder liner, resulting in a decline in the power of the diesel engine, make it more difficult to start, so can't directly to add oil cylinder.
Eight, directly to the gasoline pumped into the intake pipe gas ignition point was lower than those of diesel, before diesel combustion.So directly to the gas inlet pipe, and can make the engine work rough and produces strong knocking phenomenon, serious when still can happen engine inversion.
Nine, long time continuous to start the diesel engine is under the condition of the low voltage, high current work, use for a long time will damage the battery.The continuous working time shall not be more than 5 seconds;Once started, should every 15 seconds to start again.
Ten, just start the high-speed diesel engine has just started, the temperature of the lubricating oil is low, the liquidity is poor, high-speed operation immediately, easy to cause the movement parts sharply due to lack of lubrication and wear, serious when still can happen tile burning shaft.


Silent diesel generator set of related introduction

This article detailed introduction to you a relevant data on low noise diesel generating sets, help people better understand the generating set of the latest information.
We all know that diesel generating set at run time will produce a lot of noise, it seems that solution is always not good, this article detailed introduce to you a this knowledge.
Low noise - soundproof canopy adopts fully enclosed structure, selection of high qualified steel plate, firm structure is compact, elegant and beautiful appearance, high grade.
Soundproof canopy internal noise reduction and heat treatment, heat preservation, the built-in silencer, combined with effective sound insulation materials, combined with a specially designed with damping function of the shell and frame, to ensure that the overall low noise operation.
Diesel genset of instructions and the operating system is focused on the control panel, and the soundproof canopy on the control panel window, easy to control and operation.
The base of the large capacity fuel tank to ensure the long time continuous operation;soundproof canopy into the outlet for the return flow duct, ensure smooth exhaust heat input;Easy to install, easier to user's daily operation and maintenance.
Unique to the oil temperature, water temperature, low oil pressure and speed automatic protection function, to prevent damage to expensive diesel generator set.And equipped with automatic emergency stop device.
At the same time can also be configured according to the requirements of automatic switching device of automation units.

The significance of carbon deposition in diesel generator set

Diesel generator set carbon most users have not heard this word, also don't know how this works.For technical personnel must know diesel genset, the concept of carbon deposition and the reasons of this phenomenon, and will handle and solve the problem.
So-called carbon deposition is, in fact, diesel fuel and diesel generating set into the combustion chamber of the oil product of incomplete combustion, on top of the diesel engine piston, valve and combustion chamber wall around to produce carbon deposition is a more common phenomenon.Large amounts of carbon deposition will have influence on the performance of the diesel generator set, its ultimate performance: the worsen poor combustion, heat transfer and reduce the reliability of the fuel injector.
Generating set the causes of carbon deposition are many, many years of technical personnel at six summarizes the following:
1. The fuel injector work is not normal, such as spray, drip, too high or too low injection pressure and injection time too early or too late, fuel injection quantity too much, will make some fuel incomplete combustion.
2. Oil is serious.
3. Leakage is serious.
4. The cooling water temperature is too low, affect the normal combustion of the fuel.
5. Diesel fuel and oil brand, quality is poor, the formation of carbon residue after burning.
6. Diesel engine overload or temperature is too high, fire early to make the fuel combustion is not completely.


Weaver of diesel generator set

With the development of various industries, users of diesel genset power requirements is more and more big, the diesel generator set technology is becoming more and more mature, but considering the cost problem, many users choose to use more machine weaver network generator as a backup power.So, what are the typical features of diesel generating sets weaver?
1. The power supply system is relatively reliable and continuous;Because many sets of generating units and got behind a power grid, power supply voltage and frequency stability, can bear larger load change.
2. Is more economical.Can according to the size of the user load, in the small power generator set the appropriate stations and to reduce power load unit small run of fuel oil, waste oil.Such as user normal use only need to 600 kw, but, sometimes need to load operation of 800 kw.At that time, if choose a 800 kw generator, its cost is far better than to choose two 600 kw generator set high many, weaver when using the engine oil and fuel consumption is also much less.And consider all aspects, and, of course, recommended to choose two 600 kw of the weaver, when only need to use the 600 kw load, only need to open a machine, if again big, then you can drive a machine designer then use.
3. The maintenance, the maintenance is more convenient and more diesel generator set in parallel use, can focus on scheduling and distribution of active load and reactive load, convenient repair and maintenance in a timely manner.